Summer League is sponsored by BDA Spirits.
The BVA runs the following leagues:
Co-Ed League – Competitive (4-a-side)
This is a competitive beach league played on Wednesday nights. Teams must consist of at least 2 females.
Co-Ed League – Recreational (4-a-side)
This is a fun beach league played Monday and Thursday nights. Teams must consist of at least 2 females. Players with advanced experience/skills are discouraged from entering this league.
2’s League – Competitive (Coed, Men’s, Women’s)
Competitive 2-a-side beach league, where you register with a partner. We offer a Women’s League, Men’s League and Coed League.
Registration for the upcoming season will open at midnight (12:00:01am) on May 26th

Summer League Registration Information for Team Captains
- Payment must be made by credit card at the time of registration
- Your team roster must be completed by June 1
- All team members must be up to date on their memberships. Please email bvamemberships@gmail.com if you are unsure of your membership status
If you or your team are interested in being a League Director, please send an email to bdavb@hotmail.com. We cannot run the leagues without an LD, and early registration will be offered to those who volunteer!