2024-25 Winter League Registration

The BVA Winter Leagues are 6-a-side indoor volleyball leagues with Women’s / Men’s / Coed divisions.

Registration is by team only. We also offer individual registration – however, please be aware that registering as an individual does not guarantee you a spot. You will only be added to the league if we can fill an entire team.

Leagues run on a ladder system, and each week 1 team will move down and 1 team will move up a rung, depending on wins / losses from the prior week.

Registration opens 12:00AM on October 6th and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline to register is October 16th.

Each league requires at least 1 volunteer league director (LD) per rung. LD’s will be given early registration to secure their team spot. If interested, please email bdavb@hotmail.com.

A reminder that ALL winter league participants must have an active BVA Membership. Please visit our memberships page to purchase a membership or email bvamemberships@gmail.com if you have questions about your status.

Rosters must be completed (with all players having active memberships) by October 20th, or you risk losing your spot to someone on the waitlist.

Please note: all teams must have matching uniforms with numbers on the front and back. Please get organized as soon as possible, as point deductions will come into effect on Week 3.



Registration links will be live on October 6th at 12:00:01am. Space is limited, so sign up early!

Women’s Team

Men’s TeamFULL

Coed Team

Women’s Individual

Men’s Individual

Coed Individual